Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year - Welcome 2011

Sooooo....last year my goal was to post more for you and I obviously failed at doing that.....I am very sorry. I have not had much of a chance to work on projects this year and have really missed it. This year past year has been an extremely busy one for me and my family, it started off really well and I got a couple of projects posted for you all. For most of the year I have been in and out of various hospitals for two of my grandparents. I then in November had one of my very best friends pass away, and four days later my stepgrandpa passed away so I have spent the past couple months trying to deal with my feelings along w/visiting two of my grandparents in the hospital. Both are doing well now, one is home but one is not and should be soon. I do have about 20 projects ready to go, took all the pictures today and will start getting them posted this week. My goal instead of one project a day is going to be at least one project or more a week. I figure if I start little (one a week, sometimes more) and get myself into the habit of that then I can work my way up to a project each day or two for you. I would also like to start throwing in some challenges here and there for you - I hope that we all have a good and great year for 2011. Happy New Year!!!

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